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Formulario Inscripción Diplomados

* Required

Type of Identification: *
Id Number: *
Name: *
Last name: *
E-mail: *
Phone: *
Address: *
Department: *
City: *
Course: *
Programm: *
Teaching English to children: *
Module 1: Teaching English to children
Module 2: Engagement to children
Module 3: Reading intensive, extensive, strategic to children
Module 4: Materials design to children

Teaching English to Youngsters: *
Module 1: Teaching English to Youngsters
Module 2: Engagement to Youngsters
Module 3: Literacy practices to Youngsters
Module 4: Materials design to Youngsters

Learning the ropes: *
Module 1: Academic writing: understanding the basics
Module 2: Planning your writing: getting started
Module 3: The writing process: getting down to work
Module 4: Editing your writing: tidying it all together

Fee: *
Upload bank receipt (Only jpg or pdf format): *

Política Tratamiento Datos Personales(*)

Consiento y autorizo de manera previa, expresa, informada e inequívoca que mis datos personales sean tratados conforme a​ la Autorización de Utilización de Datos Personales.